BeiJing ShengZhuang to attend the Asia Pacific beauty show. BeiJing ShengZhuang attention cosmetic design, research and development, production for 20 years, has a strong research ...Check the details >>
ShengZhuang will attend the 20th on November 11 asia-pacific beauty exhibition in Hong Kong,More than 2300 exhibitors from all over the world will be on November 11 to 13, 2015 in ...Check the details >>
June 11, 2015, Beijing day of the second annual meeting of the 2015 work conference held in Beijing Shengzhuang Household Chemicals Company. Meeting around the "how to play the a...Check the details >>
中國北京國際美容化妝品博覽會(簡稱BJBE)已成為華北地區最大、影響力最強的美容行業專業盛會 北京盛妝家化有限公司 ——全球最具有研發實力的化妝品加工企業之一. 美麗屋開啟“ 盛妝名店--整店輸出計劃”,旗下涵蓋露媚安,肌膚軟黃金,草本多情,...Check the details >>
A very popular mask products! If you are tired of the other mask, try this skin soft gold muscle bottom revitalizing whitening mask!Skin soft gold Festa development of the source o...Check the details >>